McCook County Flood Plain Management
Floodplain management is the practice of using land wisely to reduce the risk of flooding and protect communities.
How is floodplain management achieved?
Planning: Communities can adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances.
Building: New construction and substantial rehabilitation projects must meet higher flood protection standards.
Education: Communities can learn about flood hazards and how to reduce flood damage.
Mapping: Communities can use flood maps to understand flood risk.
Insurance: Communities can participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to purchase flood insurance and receive disaster assistance.

Do I Need a Permit?
Any party undertaking development within a designated floodplain must obtain a floodplain development permit before the work commences.
The Floodplain Development Permit is how McCook County evaluates any impacts of activities proposed
within our regulated floodplains. All activities must comply with the Floodplain Damage Prevention Ordinance. For citizens to be eligible for the national flood insurance rates or for communities to receive certain federal
funds, the community must agree to meet minimum floodplain standards.